University Project
1. Combine Forecasting Method with Reconfiguration Strategy on the Experimental System of PV Arrays in Partial Shading Conditions Increasing the Generator Efficiency
Develop a program to forecast PV power generation based on PV system data and meteorological (irradiance and temperature) data.
Develop a program to reconfigure the interconnections of PV arrays mitigating effects of partial shading losses on PV arrays.
Build a PV reconfiguration experiment at HUST campus. This experimental system includes a PV SCADA system for data acquisition, monitoring, and control functions of the PV system; and a PV switching system for changing interconnections between PV modules automatically based on the reconfiguration algorithm.
2. Pricing Method for Incentive Demand Response Schemes is Based on a Social Welfare Optimization Framework
3. Build IV characteristic model of PV panels based on experimental data applied to PV power generation forecast
Modeled I-V characteristics of PV modules under various irradiance and temperature conditions.
Developed a simulation to predict the I-V characteristics of PV arrays under heterogeneous irradiance and temperature conditions.
The German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) project
1. Study on the mechanism for behind the meter model of solar energy in VN applicable post-2020 (May 2021 - Dec 2021)
Support EREA in developing an innovative incentive policy framework to promote further solar PV development while aiming at encouraging the possible highest self-consumption proportion and minimizing at the same time large amount of solar PV injections to the national grid
Proposed a policy framework that includes the behind the meter mechanism in general and 3 mechanisms for management and operation of electricity procurement (of the behind the meter) in particular
2. Revision of Vietnam’s Smart Grids Roadmap with Embedded Indicator Set for evaluating the progress of Smart Grids development (Dec 2020 - Mar 2022)
Working with GIZ and International Firm from India to develop a roadmap for the development of smart grids in Vietnam
Data gathering, meeting setup, interviews organizing, report preparation, in-depth analysis of the development state of Vietnam's legal frameworks regarding SCADA and smart grid technologies
Vietnam Initiative for Energy Transition Social Enterprise (VIETSE) project
1. Optimize scenarios the use of Energy Storage System in Vietnam Power System (Jan 2021 - Oct 2021)
Working with Vietnam Initiative for Energy Transition Social Enterprise (VIETSE) to develop a comprehensive report to promote the installation of Battery Energy Storage System in Vietnam
Investigate the international experience and lesson learn for Vietnam Power System, assess the necessity of BESS on Vietnam power system stability regarding voltage and frequency, determine the suitable market size for BESS in Vietnam based on international experience, analyze the changing grid situation, benefits of ancillary services as well as curtailment for RTS.
Come up with the recommendation on technology, financial and legal mechanism support for the application of BESS in Vietnam Power System
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) project
1. Viet Nam Climate Promise
Support the United Nations Development Programme Vietnam promote youth learning and dialogues on sustainable energy development
Develop a strong cohort of 10 youths, to be supported in advocacy and peer mobilization on the topics of energy access and energy transition
Developed the Youth4Climate Learning Hub’s Energy theme with multimedia self-learning tools, including a set of 5 videos on energy topics and a set of easily replicable training modules
Organize community meetups (offline & online) and other events to foster live engagement from the youth community
Lead a group of Youths to develop a Youth-led project proposal, focusing on youth innovation for Energy transition, energy advocacy and energy access to be financed by UNDP/Green ID in 2022
Vietnam Dispatching Centers (A0) project
1. A study on the state of SCADA/DCS implementation in Vietnam Power System at Dispatching Centers (Jan 2021 - Feb 2021)
Working with Dr. Pham Manh Hai to investigate the technologies, protocols as well as hardware related to the SCADA system used by power utility units in Vietnam
Develop a comprehensive report capturing the state of development of the SCADA/DCS/EMS system in Vietnam
1. Implications for the development of Electrical Vehicles in Vietnam (December 2021 - February 2022)
Developed an innovative incentive policy framework to promote Electric Vehicles development in Vietnam
Ha Tinh Power Company
1. Research and propose the effective operation of the substation in the rooftop PVs system integrated distributed grid. (May 2021 - June 2022)
Assessing the actuality of the Huong Khe distribution grid integrating distributed PV systems.
Using the model, the scenarios are analyzed and solutions are made from the analysis. Therefore, helping the power companies understand the present situation and being able to manage, design, and operate the distribution grid more efficiently, flexibly, and reliably.